What make us make those life choices, those small daily decisions, that contribute to our own vibrant health. The average lifespan for a Canadian woman in 2017 is 81 years of age. It's not up to the medical professionals in your life; it's up to you to create your best health. Where you live, how you live, your work and play, your biology/genetic heritage, how you eat and drink, how you manage life's stress…….you can impact all these factors. It's up to you.
The Tomorrow Test is this: Each time you address something you'd like to change, commit to it. Then when you begin to waver (procrastinate, make excuses, defer), ask yourself how you'll feel about it tomorrow. We know that we only have today, but looking at the moment from tomorrow's perspective may add a lovely bit of motivation that you need to follow through. How many changes at a time? If we make one change, we have an 80% chance of staying with it. If we make two changes at a time, we have a 30% chance; if we tackle three changes at once, we have less than a 5% chance to stick to our guns. Make one change, take six weeks to make it hold. What changes in our life will provide us with our best health? For women, it's different than for men. We have a complicated body full of hormonal influences provided by our biology (like monthly cycles, pregnancies, baby-having, and menopause). We need to understand the impact of our amazingly unique bodies so that we can make lovely life choices. Women's Health Rules are:
Now….women friends! Look at this list. What would be enjoyable, something you'll want to repeat? Only one. Six weeks. It's your health.
January 2024